SUGA offers a wide range of bench top and portable Colour Meter systems to meet your measurement needs.
Integrated sphere method and 45゚incidence 0゚viewing method
Valued in the fields of precise colour management, the SC series is our high-end model with highest accuracy of its class, along with variety of measurement and graph display options. This single unit can measure both reflectance and transmittance.
Integrated sphere method
Valued in the fields of precise colour management, the SM-T is a tristimulus colour meter that our high-end model with highest accuracy of its class, along with variety of measurement and graph display options. This single unit can measure both reflectance and transmittance.
Measures the brightness (whiteness) of paper as according to ISO standards
This instrument, used widely in the paper manufacturing industry, measures the ISO brightness and the opacity of paper. The UV light intensity can be adjusted to a standard value by using a reference sample sheet (INNVENTIA AB). Fluorescent intensity can also be measured.
Variable-angle colour meter for evaluating metallic coatings
This instrument is best suited for evaluating specimens that has different colour and brightness depending on the angle where it is observed from, such as metallic coatings. It can measure both reflectance and transmittance. The angle of the specimen can be adjusted three-dimensionally, allowing for measurements from many different viewpoints.
Capable of measuring colour of an area with a surface diameter of 0.05mm
This colour meter is widely used to measure the colour of microscopic surface area of materials such as fabric, printed materials, and electronic parts such as PCB, IC and wires. The magnified measurement area is displayed on a screen for easy observation anf focusing.
Measure the Gloss of your samples with our portable units on the production floor, in the laboratory, at your customers’ facility or at your desk. SUGA gloss meters are easy to use, reliable and have excellent long term stability.
SUGA Haze meters are widely used to determine and quantify the optical scattering properties of transparent materials; such as films, glass, plaques and plastic products.
Easy-to-operate Design.
HZ-V4 measures the degree of haze (degree of transparency) of glass, plastic, liquid, etc. The 90 mm wide door opening for ease of operation, a sample chamber that can hold a large sample, and a highly visible operation screen make the instrument even easier to use.
Measures large specimens without the need for shading
With its flat, open-spaced chamber, this instrument can measure specimens of large size by simply placing the specimen directly on the specimen stage. It includes a foot switch that allows the user to make measurements while holding the specimen with both hands.
Capable of measuring the haze of large glass
This instrument automatically measures the haze of large glass specimens fixed on its flat specimen stage. The optical unit is controlled by a PC. The Suga-developed TM light modulation single beam method prevents outside light source from influencing the measurement.
SUGA Image Clarity Meter is used to determine the optical effect of specimen’s surface structure on colour appearance properties. Surface structure effects includes optical phenomenon as clarity, DOI and orange peel.
Quick-measure image clarity for both transmission and reflection.
ICM-2 measures the clarity of an image reflected on the surface of an object, as well as the image sharpness of an object that can be seen through transparent film, plastic, etc. Measurement time has been significantly reduced to approx. 5 seconds. Supports both transmission and reflection measurements.
SUGA manufactures a diverse product line of instruments to assess many different optical properties of specimens. These products include assessing colour appearance analysis of surface reflection and transmission modalities. They are applicable throughout the color supply chain.
Excellent for use in production lines
This instrument observes the retroreflectivity of reflective sheets on the production line on a 24-hour basis. It is calibrated with the calibration plate prepared by the user, and the measurement data is stored in the multi-range recorder.
Determines the performance of reflective boards and evaluate their quality
This instrument evaluates the retroreflectivity of reflectors for cars, reflective safety signs, reflective traffic warning signs etc. by shining them with light and measuring the light reflected back. It does not require a dark room, and it comes with a calibration standard plate for comparison with the test results (value set by Japan Vehicle Inspection Association comes separately).
Determining an accurate visual evaluation
This is a standard light source used to visually evaluate the colour of an object, as specified in JIS Z 8720 "Standard illuminants and sources for colorimetry." It can perform metamerism tests, with the equipped D65 and A light sources. D65AC allows the user to adjust the brightness.
Measures transmittance of car windows and films in field environments
This product is used for measuring visible light transmittance and/or reflectance of car windows, plastic films, etc. HA-TR id reflectance/transmittance measuring type, while HA-T is dedicated transmittance measuring type.